O líder evoca a protecao aos convidados e a toda a comunidade. Pede que escolhamos doze folhas para afirmar o pago. Depois de jogar bebida em várias direcöes queima os ingredientes e fecha a cerimönia com mais danca. O frio de menos cinco graus e a altitude näo nos impedem de participar dessa festa täo espontanea.
Pensavamos que podíamos chegar a San Gaban, mas fomos surpreendidos pela programacäo desconcertante do povo de Pacaje. Privilégio de poucos. Saimos a noite do lugar, com a certeza de ter vivido uma experiëncia pouco comum até para peruanos.
We go up the sacred mountain of Allicapac. The town of Pacaje, is on the feet. Men dress typical clothes and welcome us dancing. The musicians in red ponchos, the dancers with clear clothes, hats with fetaher adornments and alpaca skin shoes. They make a kind of ritual. The pay to the land to thank the potato harvest. With leves of cocaine, considered sacred in the high plateau, they homage mother land. The community president invites them to go up next to the peak. It is close to ice,at 5200 meters of altitude that the ritual happens. A bonfire of alpaca sewage, many leves of cocaine, drinks and candies in cross format, these are ingreditentes of the custom, mixes of the aboriginal inheritance with the Spaniard religion influence. The leader evokes the protection to the guests and all the community. He asks us to choose twelve leaves to affirm the pay. After playing drunk in several directions he burns the ingredients and closes the ceremony with more dancing. The cold of five degrees under zero and the altitude do not keep us from taking part in this spontaneous party. We thought we could get to San Gaban, but we were surprised by the Pacaje people baffling programming. Privilege of few. We left the place at night, sure to have had lived a very unusual exeperience, even for Peruvians.
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