San Anton também tem igreja, mas está na parte abandonada da cidade. Depois que a estrada passou, o povoado abandonou as casas e refez a vila próximo ao local.
Em Macusani ficamos sabendo que uma comunidade próxima nos aguarda para uma cerimônia.
Tramo 4
This is the way we chose to come back to Rondônia. We leave Juliaca in day 27, headed to San Gaban, an area that ucomprehends the high plateau, the cordilheiro and the forest area. Minttse goes along with us and with sensitivity shows incredible things along the way. The beautiful Church of San Jerônimo in Asillo is an example. It is an enormous temple for the pueblo small population , but it is explained by the antiquity, century XV. At the time great gentlemen built churches for posterity. Now the temple is going through restoration by Cusco specialists. San Anton also has a church, but it is located in the abandoned part of the city. After the highway crossed the town, the inhabitants abandoned the houses and rebuilt the village close to it. In Macusani we came to know that a nearby community waits for us for a ceremony.
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